ABN AMRO Bank Collection, USA
Arts Council of England
BAMFA, Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France
Birmingham City Museum & Art Gallery
British Broadcasting Corporation
The British Museum, Department of Prints & Drawings
Henry Buhl Collection, New York, USA
Imperial Health Charity Arts
Ivy Restaurant Collection
Edinburgh District Council
The Ferens Art Gallery
The George Eastman Museum, Rochester, USA
The Government Art Collection
JP Morgan Chase Collection, USA
The Mag Collection
Microsoft Art Collection, USA
Museet for Fotokunst, Denmark
Nottingham Castle Museum
The National Portrait Gallery, London
The New Hall Art Collection, University of Cambridge
Pfizer Inc. USA
Portland Art Museum, Oregon, USA
The Progressive Corporation, USA
The Reader’s Digest Collection
The Seagram Collection
Sidley, Austin & Wood Collection, USA
Tate Gallery
University of Massachusetts, USA
Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada
Victoria & Albert Museum, Photography, Book & Print Departments
Whitworth Art Galley, Manchester
Yale Centre for British Art, USA
* Denotes catalogue published to accompany exhibition
2020 Temporal Stabilities, 4m2gallery, John Cabot University, Rome*
2018 Feu Follet, The Old Crypt, St.John’s Waterloo
Frierfall, Galerie Kerstner, Kronberg, Germany
2017 Terme di Diocleziano, UCL Art Museum, London
2014 FREEFALL, (photographs & projections) Gallery 339, Philadelphia*
2012 Light Curtain, (film projection & LED light) installation Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester
2009 Danzando con Borromini, Hybrida Contemporanea, Rome
Mandrake, Galleri Arnstedt, Östra Karup, Sweden2009Green, Green, Glass of Home, installation
and working portrait studio, V&A
Hawthorn Hall of Mirrors, 454308E-205690N, permanent work at Churchill Hospital, Oxford
2007 Cloth Fair, (stills projection) St.Bartholomew the Less, London, England
2006 Fall, River, Snow, (film projection) Compton Verney, England
Suc des Vosges, Lucas Schoormans Gallery, New York, NY
Above and Below Ground, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, PA
K2, (scanachrome installation) The Rose Theatre, Kingston-upon-Thames, England
2004 Kerfuffle, (scanachrome installation) BBC Broadcasting House, London, England
Poetry Library, Royal Festival Hall, London, England *
2003 Tango Two, HackelBury Fine Art, London, England*
2002 Mandrake Tango/Works 1992 – 2002, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA*
Monotypes, Aurobora Press, San Francisco, CA
2001 Stills, Lucas Schoormans Gallery, New York, NY *
2000 Lignum/Silva, Hiscox Gallery, London, England
Photographs 1996 -1998, Lucas Schoormans Gallery, New York, NY
Seasonal Stills, Hackelbury Fine Art, London, England
1999 Ferens Art Gallery, Kingston-upon-Hull, England
Kiss Kiss, Focal Point Gallery, Southend, England
Up on Deck, Ramsgate Gallery, Ramsgate, England
1998 New Work, Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham, England; Rochester Art Gallery, Kent, England
Originals, The Photographer’s Gallery, London, England
SOLOx9: Artists in Clerkenwell, London, England*
1997 Behind the Arras, Economist Plaza, London, England (with Julian Opie), organized by the
Contemporary Art Society
1996 Rainbow Portraits, Institut Français, Edinburgh, Scotland
1995 Portrait Progress, Drew Gallery, Canterbury, England
1994 Picture Parade, British Film Institute, London, England
1992 Royal Photographic Society, Bath, England
Spacex Gallery, Exeter, England
Metropole Arts Center, Folkestone, England
1991 Backbone/Pelt, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
Lythe Arts Center, Caithness, Scotland
Sunderland Polytechnic Gallery, Sunderland, England
1990 Fairy Queen, The Photographers’ Gallery, London, England*
The Arbitrarinous Line: line = map = division, The Orchard Gallery, Derry, Northern Ireland
1989 Corner(House), Cornerhouse, Manchester, England
Seawall – Wave Motion, Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, England
1988 People, Profile, Pillars of Society, City Museum & Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, England*
Inked flowers, University of Kent and The Zanzibar, London, England
1986 Tartan Castle, Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh, Scotland
1985 Identity, The National Portrait Gallery, London, England
1982 Bagatelles Végétales, Exe Gallery, Exeter, England
2018+19 Global Engagement Fund (Rome) UCL
2016/17 Leverhulme Fellowship (Rome, Italy)
2013 Jonathan Ruffer Grant, Art Fund (USA)
2011 British Academy Research Grant (Gujarat, India)
2010 Krasna-Krausz Foundation
2008/9 Wingate Rome Scholarship in Fine Art, British School at Rome
2005 The British Council
2004 The Lorne Award
2002 Riba: Special Mention for Glass Drapes at the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre
1997 London Arts Board, Individual Artist Award
1988 West Midlands & Northern Arts
1987 Eastern Arts
1986 Scottish Arts Council
1982 South East Arts
2019 October 18/19/20, Kunsthistoriches Museum, Vienna, Austria
2017 January-June, UCL Art Museum, London
2011 December, Arts Reverie, Ahmedabad, India
2007 April, Foundation Valparaiso, Mojaca, Spain
2004 June Aurobora Press, San Francisco
2001 September, Aurobora Press, San Francisco
2008 Hawthorn Hall of Mirrors, 454308E-205690N, Churchill Hospital, Oxford
2007 Verdure, 1 x 2m tapestry commissioned by Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh
2005 Tapis Volant, 2 x 3m tapestry commissioned by the Contemporary Arts Society for Nottingham Castle
Museum Collection. Made at Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh
2001 Nageant vers Noël – Swimming towards Christmas, Lyon Town Hall, France. Projection: 24 x 48m
onto the C17th building, commissioned by Sculpture Urbaine, Grenoble
2000/5 Glass Drapes (14 x 8 m) and outer wall: Light Column (11m) permanent installation, Birmingham
Hippodrome Theatre, England
1999 French Connection & Willow Weep, for the Ferens Art Gallery, Kingston-upon-Hull, England
1997 On the Edge, South East Arts
1995 People Progress, the photo-booth in St. George’s Underpass, Canterbury.
1990 NCVO: National Council of Voluntary Organizations, sponsored by British Telecom
Trainload Freight British Railways Board
Hypnos & Endymion, The Ivy Restaurant, London
2020 Fabric: Touch & Identity, Compton Verney (14 March - 14 June)
2019 The Grey Gallery at Eleven Spitalfields : Seven Artists (15 November - 8 December)
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 1019* (10 June - 12 August)
Women, Power, Protest, Birmingham Museum and
Art Gallery* (10 November 2018-31 March 2019)
2017 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2017* (13 June – 20 August 2017)
2016 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2016* (13 June – 21 August 2016)
BSR Aumni at the British Academy, Carlton House Terrace, London*
Face Value, A Reflection on Contemporary Portraiture, Collyer Bristow Gallery, London
2015 A History of Photography: Series and Sequences,V&A, London
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, USA
Shared, Somerset House, London
Ruth Borchard Self-portrait Prize, Kings’s Place, London
The Bear Pit, Focal Point Gallery, Southend
2014 Callahan to Warhol: New Photographic Acquisitions, Portland Art Museum, Oregon
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2014*
Fabric; Collyer Bristow Gallery, London
2013 Cotton Exchange: A Material Response, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2013*
2012 Delhi International Film Festival, India
Small is Beautiful XXX, Flowers Central, Cork St. WC1.
Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries*
In Paradisum: Disappearing Act: Marthe Callet (née Bailleul) 1896-1993. Rich Mix, London.
More Photos about Buildings and Food, Gallery 339, Philadelphia, USA
Photomaton: A Contemporary Survey of Photobooth Art. 25th Anniversary Show. International
Photobooth Convention, Electric Lodge, Venice, California.*
Oneminuteorg.Voilier – Sailing, Slade Research Centre and touring
Weaving the Century 1912-2012. Tapestry from Dovecot Studios, Dovecot Studios, Edinburgh and
touring to Compton Verney, Warwickshire*
Speed Date at St.Paul's, UCL Slade Research Centre
Visions of Italy, Villa Wolkonsky, British Embassy
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2012*
Making Space, Slade Centre for Research, UCL
Cotton Global Threads, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.
2011 About Face, Gallery 339, Philadelphia
2010 Contemporary Women Printmakers, Arts for the Teaching and Healing Environment (AfTHE),
V&A Museum and Paintings in Hospitals
2009 British Subjects: Identity & Self-fashioning 1965-2009. Neuberger Museum NY*
1-2-3-4-5-6 CRAAAAAAAK!! Rialto, via Sant’Ambroglio, Rome
Picturing Eden, Herbert Johnson Museum, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY &
The John & Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL
2008 Bites, ESC Atelier Occupato, Via dei Reti, Rome
Picturing Eden, Munson Williams Proctor Art Institute, Utica, NY
Svolgere/Avvolgere, Nunziante Magrone, Piazza dei Pietro, Rome*
Fig.8, British School at Rome
Tempo Reale, British School at Rome
2007 Collect, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, England
Picturing Eden, Museum for Photographic Arts, San Diego, California, USA
Cohesion: textiles & photography, Ellen Curlee Gallery, St.Louis, USA
2006 Picturing Eden, The George Eastman Kodak Museum, Rochester, NY & touring*
Depth of Field, Midlands Art Centre, Manchester, England & touring*
2005 Revealed, Castle Museum, Nottingham, England*
2004 Focus on Photography, GAS, Zurich, Switzerland
2018 Let’s Sway (under the serious sunlight), 5 mins, video
2015 MOI NON PLUS, 5 mins, video,
2014 Cloth Cascades, 5 mins, video, projected outside Gallery 339, Philadelphia, US
2012 Light Curtain/Drop Sari, 12 minutes, video shown at Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester & Delhi International Film Festival
2010 Reading with the Master, 6.13 mins, video, shown at ‘On the Shelf’ Slade/UCL
2008 Drappeggio in Ercolano, 7.5 mins, video, projected onto the Aurelian Wall, via D.Fontana,
Rome & as part of ‘Bites’ & ‘1-2-3-4-5-6 CRAAAAAAAK!! RIALTO’, Italy
2006 Fall, River, Snow, 12 mins, Super8 transferred to DVD, projected across the lake at Compton Verney, England
2005 Suc des Vosges, 6 mins, Super8 transferred to DVD, shown at Lucas Schoormans Gallery, N.Y.
2004 Killing Fields, 12 mins, Super8 transferred to DVD, sound by Alex Gifford & James Telford,
shown as part of the Film Season, Memory, War & Film Part II, at the Imperial War Museum, London,
January 2006
2000 Lingum/Silva, 7 mins, Super8 transferred to video, shown at Hiscox Gallery, London
1998 Les Draps dans le Jardin, 9 mins, Super8 transferred to video, shown with Originals at the
Photographer’s Gallery, London
2021 Pictorial duel: Xenia Hausner and the dual performance portrait, to be published by The Albertina, Vienna
2019 Essence of Memento Mori, essay in Basquiat Self-portraits, published by Hirmer Verlag GmbH
2018 Warhol’s Dream: The Self Multiplied, introduction to new edition of 500 Self-portraits published by Phaidon, London
Madam & Eve: women portraying women, co-authored with Kathleen Soriano, published by Laurence King, London.
Erotic Cloth echoes in film; chapter in The Erotic Cloth: Seduction and Fetishism in Textiles, ed. Millar and Kettle. Published by Bloomsbury Academic.
2017 Mick Farrell LIVES, essay in Straw Camera. S. Pickering (Ed.), 2017, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL,
62 pages, ISBN 9781366400574
2015 How to Read Art, published by Rizzoli, New York.
Portraits of South Asian Writers: Lucinda Douglas-Menzies, catalogue text http://www.douglas-
2014 How to Read Painting, published by Bloomsbury, London, UK translated into Russian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese & Korean. Over 64,000 copies printed.
2012 Golden Years? 1905-1950: a non-digital world. Self-expression,self-promotion,self-preservation.
In Self-portrait (pp. 21-25). Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark.
Dark and light veiled thoughts. published in Dark Matter.
2006 Light Column, published in, Sculpture, 25 no 4.
2005 Insights: Self-portraits, published by the National Portrait Gallery, London, England & exhibition curation;
A Question of Identity: Self-portrait Photographs 1850 – 2000, 20 September-20 January 2006
2003 Drapery and Pattern in Portrait Painting as a Source for my Work in the Photo-booth, with particular
reference to ‘The Curtain Maker’ William Larkin published by, The Journal of Cloth and Culture,
Berg, Oxford & New York
2001 Mirror/Mirror: Self-portraits by Women Artists, published by the National Portrait Gallery, London,
England, & Watson-Guptill, New York. Catalogue & exhibition, 24 October 2001 – 24 February 2002
1991 Double Take – Comparing the Art of Graphic & Photographic Portraiture, National Portrait Gallery,
London & Berol UK Ltd & exhibition curation and tour to 9 UK venues.
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